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Surgical Denervation of the Thumb Carpometacarpal Joint
Thumb carpal metacarpal joint (CMCJ) arthritis is common. Surgical
denervation is an option for symptomatic CMCJ arthritis. Articular branches of
denervation can be performed using a single volar incision. Synovectomy at the CMCJ
can also be performed at the same time. Short recovery period is noted.
This video demonstrates use of a dorsal V-Y island flap for treatment of incomplete, simple syndactyly. This technique allows for direct closure without need for skin grafting.
Drs. Blood, Freniere and Evans debate the merits of in situ cubital tunnel release, anterior transposition, and supercharge AIN to ulnar motor nerve transfer, followed by a discussion of these procedures
This video contains a brief background discussion on etiology and
presentation of swan neck deformities followed by illustrative case presentation
demonstrating surgical technique