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Arthroscopic Trapeziectomy

This video presents, demonstrates, and explains an arthroscopic trapeziectomy.
This video is an excellent introduction for residents and review for new practicing surgeons of the basic intraoperative reduction techniques and tools one can use to restore alignment of distal radius fractures. The video presents techniques in conjunction with fixation using a volar locking plate, however, the techniques have a wide range of applications in different fixation approaches as well.
This video presents, demonstrates, and explains how to perform a wide awake endoscopic cubital tunnel release
In this video, an arthroscopic repair of the scapholunate ligament with capsuloligamentous repair is discussed and visually explained.
This video demonstrates use of a dorsal V-Y island flap for treatment of incomplete, simple syndactyly. This technique allows for direct closure without need for skin grafting.