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Physical Examination of the Wrist

Dr. Kleinman provides a comprehensive review of how to examine the wrist and the specific diagnosis that can be made with a good clinical exam.
In this video, the tips and tricks of performing arthroscopic assisted excision in both volar and dorsal wrist ganglions are discussed and visually explained.
Hand Fellows from Philadelphia Hand Center, University of Colorado, Mayo Clinic, and Hospital for Special Surgery debate methods for SL reconstruction. 3 Ligament tenodesis, Reduction and Association of SL, Scapholunate internal brace 360, Swivelock SL IL Reconstruction and ANAFAB are also discussed and compared with pearls for each procedure
In this video, an arthroscopic repair of the scapholunate ligament with capsuloligamentous repair is discussed and visually explained.
This video shows the surgical technique for transradial amputation with TMR to the distal AIN for the median nerve and RPNI for other nerves